Soundproof Hotel Rooms in Vitznau

Do not be disturbed by other guests, hotel staff or outside noise with these Vitznau hotels with sound proofed rooms. If you need to concentrate to get some work done or just need a good nights sleep without interruption some hotels in Vitznau do go out of their way to add soundproofing to ensure guests don't get interrupted by noise from other guests or housekeeping. Some of the techniques hotels use are double glazed windows and heavy curtains to keep street noise out, nicely sealed doors to keep corridor noise out, insulation between floors to keep other guest noise out of your room.

5 star
Seestrasse 18 Vitznau 6354

The luxurious Park Hotel Vitznau right at the banks of Lake Lucerne has been entirely renovated in 2012 and 2013 and features its own private beach, 2...more

322 verified reviews

Last updated: 13 Jan 2025

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