Seestrasse Vitznau Hotels

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3 star
Seestrasse 65 Vitznau 6354

Located in the centre of Vitznau, Hotel Rigi is right next to the station of the cog railway and about 50 metres from the pier on Lake Lucerne. WiFi is available free of charge.Seasonal cuisine is ser...more

Very good
696 verified reviews

The Hotel Vitznauerhof - Lifestyle Hideaway at Lake Lucerne is located at the foothills of Mount Rigi on the shores of Lake Lucerne, in the heart of Central Switzerland. The bright and elegantly furni...more

418 verified reviews
5 star
Seestrasse 18 Vitznau 6354

The luxurious Park Hotel Vitznau right at the banks of Lake Lucerne has been entirely renovated in 2012 and 2013 and features its own private beach, 2 restaurants, a large spa area and free garage par...more

322 verified reviews
75 Seestrasse Vitznau 6354

Neuro Campus Hotel provides a terrace and a fitness room, as well as accommodation with a kitchen in Vitznau, 25 km from Lion Monument. Free WiFi is provided throughout the property and private parkin...more

810 verified reviews

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Last updated: 13 Jan 2025

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