6 Star Vitznau Hotels

Officially there are no 6 star hotels, although the non-official ratings are now extending into claims of 7 star hotels.  8 star doesn't have the same ring to it.  8 star implies the rating is out of 10 and 8 doesn't carry the level of opulence that these properties and hotels are trying to convey.  No formal accreditation body recognises the 6 or 7 star hotels yet, the standard quality measure is of course from 1 to 5 stars or ticks or circles.  But it sounds amazing, doesn't it? Well you're right to have high expectations and the few 6 star hotels available throughout the world certainly impress. So go on, book a 6 star Vitznau hotel and be prepared to be blown away!

If you want to add extra luxury to you stay in Vitznau see the list of 5 star Vitznau hotels which can offer great value when booking outside super peak periods.

Or if you just want to be pampered and relax during your stay see the Vitznau hotels with a Day Spa.

5 star
Seestrasse 18 Vitznau 6354

The luxurious Park Hotel Vitznau right at the banks of Lake Lucerne has been entirely renovated in 2012 and 2013 and features its own private beach, 2...more

322 verified reviews

Last updated: 6 Feb 2025

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