4 Star Vitznau Hotels
In most cities there are more 4 star hotels than any other type of hotel. Why? Because 4 star hotels are exactly what most people want, high standards without the expense or put another way 4 star hotels arguably offer the best value for money. It's also typically the most competitive category when it comes to room rates, which means you win every time you book a 4 star hotel in Vitznau.
Both Vitznau 4 and 4.5 star hotels are shown in our list below which we reckon represent the best value hotels in Vitznau.
If you want to add extra luxury to you stay in Vitznau also consider the 5 star Vitznau hotels which can offer great value if you can book outside peak periods.

The Hotel Vitznauerhof - Lifestyle Hideaway at Lake Lucerne is located at the foothills of Mount Rigi on the shores of Lake Lucerne, in the heart of C...more
Free cancellation and/or book now and pay later rooms are subject to availabilty.