San Francisco Hotels with Yoga

5 star
222 Sansome Street San Francisco Downtown Union Square CA 94104
2.87 km from San Francisco JCC-China Basin Heliport airport

Guests of Four Seasons Hotel San Francisco at Embarcadero can start the day with a workout in the 24-hour fitness centre or enjoy a yoga class...more

318 verified reviews
4 star
495 Jefferson Street San Francisco Fisherman's Wharf CA 94109
5.20 km from San Francisco JCC-China Basin Heliport airport

A fitness center, in-room yoga channel and free yoga accessories are also available...more

1884 verified reviews
4 star
165 Steuart Street San Francisco CA 94105
2.64 km from San Francisco JCC-China Basin Heliport airport

A yoga mat is also available, as well as premium bath products...more

Very good
740 verified reviews

Last updated: 15 Jan 2025

Free cancellation and/or book now and pay later rooms are subject to availabilty.

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