San Francisco Penthouse Suites

The San Francisco penthouse suites shown below are the largest and most luxurious rooms the hotels have to offer. The penthouse suite often includes large balconies, the best view, large bathrooms some with spa baths and special services from hotel staff.

Historically Penthouses were built out of necessity, they were literally small houses built on top of existing buildings when housing was in short supply. However the definition of the Penthouse soon changed when demand increased for larger houses in the middle of large cities like New York. Many luxury additions were made to the top floors of buildings and the modern luxury Penthouse was born.

4 star
165 Steuart Street San Francisco CA 94105
2.64 km from San Francisco JCC-China Basin Heliport airport

This air-conditioned penthouse suite includes view of the San Francisco Bay, the San Francisco/Oakland Bay Bridge and Treasure Island. It includes a cable TV, a minibar, guest robes and ironing facilities....more

Very good
740 verified reviews

Last updated: 18 Jan 2025

Free cancellation and/or book now and pay later rooms are subject to availabilty.

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