Oy-Mittelberg Hotels with a Gym and a Swimming Pool

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A great way to relax or warm down after a workout in the gym is a swim in these Oy-Mittelberg hotels with a pool.

Some days it might be rest day or your significant other may not want to workout with you, these Oy-Mittelberg hotels with a gym and a day spa offer the perfect balance between work, rest and relaxation that you probably can't get anywhere else, why not take advantage of the day spa and the fitness centre.

4 star
Mittelburgweg 1-3 Oy-Mittelberg 87466

This 4-star hotel is located in the village of Mitterberg. It features a modern spa with indoor swimming pool, sauna area and a gym with a panoramic v...more

129 verified reviews
129 verified reviews

1 night, 2 adults
Include taxes and charges

0 self rated
Tannenhofstr. 19 Oy-Mittelberg 87466

This hotel in Oy-Mittelberg offers an indoor pool, local cuisine and attractive gardens. All rooms include flat-screen TVs and balconies with views of...more

700 verified reviews

Last updated: 20 Apr 2024

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Oy-Mittelberg Hotels with Day Spas or Wellness Centres

Entertainment, Relaxation and Exercise at Oy-Mittelberg

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