Kurort Altenberg Hotels with a Private Pool
When a hotel or serviced apartment has a private pool or private pools it can mean a couple of things. One meaning is the pool is for the private use of guests staying at the property only. All guests staying at the hotel or resort can use the pool and no one from the public can use the pool. Many resorts with full gyms and pools also allow the public to use the facilities, meaning it's not private.
If it's a small property with less guests staying, having a private pool means that you would be more likely to get the pool to yourself if that is what you are after.
Another meaning of private pool is that the pool is part of your room or apartment and only you (and the your guests) have access to that pool. That is a truly private pool and of course is harder to find. Certain locations, like parts of Bali or Fiji are more likely to have truly private pools where it's only you that gets to use that pool.
There are also 5 Kurort Altenberg hotels with Day Spas for various massage, facial and skin treatments for the ultimate pampering or maybe a gift for someone special.
Situated in Kurort Altenberg, 36 km from Central Station Dresden, Gasthaus Kobär features accommodation with an outdoor swimming pool, private parking...more
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