Amlwch Hotels With Club Lounge Or Club Room

Classic Club Room benefits at Amlwch Hotels often include afternoon canapes, complimentary tea and coffee and snacks throughout the day, possibly a separate dinning room for breakfast, private check-in and check-out, free non-alcoholic mini bar items, and a few pieces of free laundry each day.

The Club rooms themselves are often a little bigger offer more luxurious facilities are on higher floors with better views. Club benefits are often great for late check-out too, you can often stay in the club lounge room with the benefits in the afternoon if you have a late flight.

3 star
Sportsmans Lodge, Rhosgoch, Isle of Anglesey Amlwch LL66 0AD

Bed and breakfast Sportsmans Lodge Bed and Breakfast is located in the hamlet of Rhosgoch and offers views of the surrounding rural area. The property...more

291 verified reviews

Last updated: 11 Dec 2024

Free cancellation and/or book now and pay later rooms are subject to availabilty.

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